
Sourcing for Gemstones

We are always on the lookout for unique gemstones;
gemstones that are pale gray like mist on a window, matte canary diamonds, clear blue sapphires, vivid green garnet of sorts;
gemstones that are unique in shape, color, and effortlessly pairs with everyday wear.


This search has led me to the Tucson Gem Show in Arizona, USA.
White tents forming booths were overwhelming in numbers.
The thrill of encountering particular gemstones in a vast event space was indescribable.

Geared in overalls and high-sneakers,
tweezers in the right pocket and loupe in the left,
ever-ready to spring into action.

I started visiting booths that piqued my interest, looked out for gemstones that caught my eye at a glance, and held on to them before thoroughly surveying the tables for more.

Once satisfied, I spend time scrutinizing the cut, color, and inclusions of the stones I picked,
and weighed its properties against its price before making what I deemed a worthy purchase.
I overcame the language barrier with simple words, gestures, and everything possible to convey my desire to communicate with the vendors.


We (my team and I) sat in the car trunk and enjoyed sandwiches we prepared for lunch,

enjoyed the view of nature and cacti while working out the plan for the remaining day.

We managed to stock up on Montana sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and other special stones,
and among them, hot pink spinels from Tanzania are my personal favorite.
These handful of spinels have a well-balanced cut and reveals various hues of pink and red at different angles.
I also like the ring to its name.

Another unforgettable encounter was the green demantoid garnet with a clear and neon green glint unique to this type of gemstone.


The sunset in Arizona looked different from Japan's,
and its embrace always wean off the exhaustion from a day's treasure hunting.
Colors in Tucson always appeared more vivid somehow.
Even a random object such as a pink hat at a taco shop seemed like a scene from a movie.


Back home, all recharged, and ready to work on filum's new designs with these new experiences.